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Localization and internationalization


Localization allows to configure multiple locales with local message configurations
  • Pluralization
  • Date formatting
  • Number formatting
  • Relative time formatting
en / es
This is a key string
1 item
30 minutes from now
9/13/24, 1:58 AM
Dynamic pluralization with signals
in 3 days
import { i18n } from '@thewebformula/lithe';

/* Set locale
  *   Defaults to browser if not set
  *   You can use language only locale 'en' and 'en-US'

// turn on cache. This will load and save data to localStorage

// Load local messages
i18n.addTranslation('en', en);
i18n.addTranslation('es', es);
<!-- Use i18n method to translate keys -->

<!-- Use i18n.format method to handle individual formatting -->
<div>${page.count} ${i18n.format('itemPlural', page.count)}</div>

<!-- Use message variables and formatters: "time_from_now": "$1 $minutesCardinal($1) from now" -->
<div>${i18n('time_from_now', page.time)}</div>
<div>${i18n('currency_key', page.currency)}</div>

  <div class=mc-font-title-medium>Dynamic pluralization with signals</div>
  <mc-textfield label="${i18n('Label days')}" oninput="page.days.value = this.value" type=number value=${page.days}></mc-textfield>
  <div>${i18n('relativeTime_key', page.days)}</div>

<!-- Attribute binding -->
<mc-textfield label="Label days" oninput="page.days = this.value" i18n-attr=label value=${page.days}></mc-textfield>

<!-- Attribute binding multiple -->
<div i18n-attr=one,two one=one two=two></div>
// en

// type configuration
{ "formatters": {
  "itemPlural": {
    "type": "cardinal",
    "zero": "items",
    "one": "item",
    "two": "items",
    "few": "items",
    "many": "items",
    "other": "items" },
  "placeOrdinal": {
    "type": "ordinal",
    "one": "st",
    "two": "nd",
    "few": "rd",
    "other": "th" },
  "minutesCardinal": {
    "type": "cardinal",
    "one": "minute",
    "other": "minutes" },
  "dateFormat": {
    "type": "date",
    "options": {
      "dateStyle": "short",
      "timeStyle": "short" } },
  "currencyFormat": {
    "type": "number",
    "options": {
      "style": "currency",
      "currency": "USD" } },
  "relativeTimeFormat": {
    "type": "relativeTime",
    "unit": "day",
    "options": {
      "style": "short" } } },

"messages": {
  "About": "About",
  "Label days": "Label days",
  "key_string": "This is a key string",
  "time_from_now": "$1 $minutesCardinal($1) from now",
  "date_key": "$dateFormat($1)",
  "item_count": "$1 $itemPlural($1)",
  "place_ordinal": "$1 $placeOrdinal($1)",
  "currency_key": "$currencyFormat($1)",
  "relativeTime_key": "$relativeTimeFormat($1)" } }
// es

// type configuration
{ "formatters": {
  "itemPlural": {
    "type": "cardinal",
    "zero": "elementos",
    "one": "artículo",
    "two": "elementos",
    "few": "elementos",
    "many": "elementos",
    "other": "elementos" },
  "placeOrdinal": {
    "type": "ordinal",
    "one": "er",
    "two": "do",
    "few": "er",
    "other": "to" },
  "minutesCardinal": {
    "type": "cardinal",
    "one": "minuto",
    "other": "minutos" },
  "dateFormat": {
    "type": "date",
    "options": {
      "dateStyle": "short",
      "timeStyle": "short" } },
  "currencyFormat": {
    "type": "number",
    "options": {
      "style": "currency",
      "currency": "MXN" } },
  "relativeTimeFormat": {
    "type": "relativeTime",
    "unit": "day",
    "options": {
      "style": "short" } } },

"messages": {
  "About": "Acerca de",
  "Label days": "Días de etiqueta",
  "key_string": "Esta es una cadena clave",
  "item_count": "$1 $itemPlural($1)",
  "place_ordinal": "$1 $placeOrdinal($1)",
  "time_from_now": "$1 $minutesCardinal($1) desde ahora",
  "date_key": "$dateFormat($1)",
  "currency_key": "$currencyFormat($1)",
  "relativeTime_key": "$relativeTimeFormat($1)" } }