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Getting started

Build a basic web application


@thewebformula/lithe uses directory based routing. All routes go in a 'routes' folder.
└── routes/
    ├── index/
    │   └── index.js     # /
    ├── 404/
    │   └── index.js     # /404 (or any url that is not found)
    ├── one/
    │   └── index.js     # one/
    ├── two[id?]/
    │   └── index.js     # two/:id?
    ├── three/
    │   └── [id]/
    │       └── index.js # three/:id
    └── four/
        └── [...all]/
            └── index.js # four/*all (four/a/b/)
app/routes/index/index.js → /
app/routes/one/index.js → one
app/routes/two[id?]/index.js → two/:id?
app/routes/three/[id]/index.js → three/:id
app/routes/four/[]/index.js → four/*rest
Directory route details
routes/index/index.js Root page (/)
routes/404/index.js Not found page. Auto redirect on non matching routes
index.js Route component file
[id] Directory that represents a url parameter
[id?] Directory that represents an options url parameter
name[id?] Inline url parameter to avoid sub folder
[] Directory that represents catch-all route
[] Directory that represents optional catch-all route


Accessing url parameters
import { Component } from '@thewebformula/lithe';
import html from './page.html'; // automatically bundles

export default class extends Component {
  // html page title
  static title = 'Page';

  // hook up imported html. Supports template literals (${this.someVar})
  static htmlTemplate = html;
  constructor() {
  connectedCallback() {
    // one[id] one/:id one/value
    console.log(this.urlParameters); // { id: 'value' }

    // two[] two/*rest two/a/b
    console.log(this.urlParameters); // { rest: 'a/b' }